Javier Guerra


Welcome to my portfolio

I'm Javier, your friendly neighborhood web developer with a passion for pixels and a love for all things code! If you're looking for someone who can weave digital wonders with the power of caffeine and a keyboard, you've come to the right place! My goal is to become the developer that everyone comes to for help. As a former educator, I have the urge to help others with my experience. I'm a firm believer in the mantra: "The more you know, the more you grow!" I'm always eager to learn new technologies and collaborate with fellow developers to create amazing things. Teamwork makes the dream work, right? When I'm not writing code you will find me on the pickleball courts!

Digital Business Card

My digital business card was my first solo React project. I created the site by creating different components for the card, info, about, interests, and footer section. All the styling was done using CSS. The app is also mobile friendly so feel free to bookmark my digital business card on your mobile device.


Dad Jokes

The dad jokes web app is a fun personal project to sharpen my API skills. I integrated the icanhazdadjokes API to retrieve the largest selection of dad jokes on the internet. This is my first exposure to Sass for styling.



This web app is the cream of my crop. A collaborative team application using Java, Spring Boot, MySQL, HTML,CSS, Bootstrap, Thymeleaf, JQuery, REST API, & Hibernate. BookAlert is a website that allows the user to sign up and create a list of their favorite authors. The user will be able to see all the books written by the author and add specific titles to their saved list. The user will also be notified when their favorite authors have released a new book through their email. Check it out for yourself by clicking on the button below!


Ad Lister

This project was designed to be a clone of craigslist. This project was successfully created in a team of 5 and it allowed me to experience the workflow of a group project. Users are able to create, post and edit ads on the website using mySQL, Java JSP, Servlets, HTML, and OOP.

Movie App

The Movie app allows users to search, add, edit, and delete movies within the site. We were able to get the webpage to request the data from a web server with the use of Ajax.This paired project was doable with the use of HTML5, CSS, and Javascript.

Codeup Design

The Codeup web design project displayed the functionality of bootstrap. It displays a navbar with the heavy use of flexbox throughout the page. The project was a paired effort that allowed us to use the git workflow strategy for paired programming. Using HTML5, CSS, and Bootstrap we were able to complete this project.

Weather Map App

The weather app displays the current temperature, time, and date of a specific location. To achieve this the open source Mapbox API and Open Weather app API was integrated. This was a solo programming project that was built using HTML5, CSS, Javascript, and jQuery.

Coffee Project

The coffee project allows users to search for a specific coffee roast and type. Users can also add their own coffee name and type of roast to the database. This was a paired programming effort that was created using HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, and Javascript.

Media Queries

The Media Queries project was our first paired project that introduced us to the git workflow. We created a web page that displayed elements with a specific padding and margins around the elements. This allowed us to familiarize ourselves with CSS. This paired project was done using HTML5 and CSS.